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Dealers/Distributors Commission on Petrol, Diesel, PDS Kerosene & Domestic LPG

Home | Dealers/Distributors Commission on Petrol, Diesel, PDS Kerosene & Domestic LPG | Retail Selling Price (RSP) of Petrol, Diesel and Domestic LPG

Wholesale Dealers Commission on PDS Kerosene

Effective date With
Form XV
Other than
Form XV
As on 01-April-04 204.00 161.00
1-Mar-07 243.00 200.00
24-May-08 255.00 212.00
7-Jul-09 263.00 220.00
7-Sep-10 275.00 232.00
28-Dec-12 438.24 377.73
21-Oct-14 536.09 475.58
5-Feb-16 714.18 649.16
28-Oct-16 787.82 723.87
5-Sep-17 1,008.83 928.10
4-Oct-18 1,016.37 1,005.95
22-Feb-19 1,341.88 1,230.98
Source : MoP&NG/ Oil companies